def clean_merged_data(create_date):
vintage = pd.read_csv(f"vintage-metagame-rawdata-{create_date}.csv",
skiprows = 1,
usecols = [i for i in range(11)])
# Replace NA values in 'byes' column with 0.
vintage.byes = vintage.byes.fillna(0)
vintage.byes = vintage.byes.astype("int")
# Propagate 'event_type' data to each record.
vintage["event_type"].replace({"Showcase Qualifier": "Showcase_Qualifier"}, inplace=True)
event_type = vintage.event_type.tolist()
for index,i in enumerate(event_type):
if isinstance(i, str):
new = i
event_type[index] = new
vintage["event_type"] = event_type
# Create unique 'event_id' column. Format event_date string.
event_id = []
dates =
event_type = vintage.event_type.to_list()
dates_new = []
for index,i in enumerate(dates):
month = i.split("/")[0].zfill(2)
day = i.split("/")[1].zfill(2)
year = i.split("/")[2]
vintage["event_id"] = event_id
# Create a second table called Events. Remove duplicate records such that each row represents a unique event.
events = pd.DataFrame({"event_id" : event_id, "event_type" : event_type, "date" : dates_new})
events = events.groupby(["event_id"], as_index=False)["event_type", "date"].last()
# Add 'entries' column to Events table to represents number of players in each event.
players = vintage.groupby(["event_id"], as_index=False)["rank"].max()
events = events.merge(players, on="event_id")
events.rename(columns={"rank" : "entries", "date" : "event_date"}, inplace=True)
# Add 'day_of_week' column to Events table.
events["day_of_week"] = events["event_date"].apply(lambda x: calendar.day_name[datetime.strptime(x, "%Y-%m-%d").weekday()])
# Drop 'details' column. Drop 'date' and 'event_type' columns that are now in the Events table.
vintage.drop(["details"], axis=1, inplace=True)
vintage.drop(["date"], axis=1, inplace=True)
vintage.drop(["event_type"], axis=1, inplace=True)
# Rename 'rank' column to 'finish'.
vintage.rename(columns={"rank" : "finish"}, inplace=True)
# Replace commas because it breaks CSV importing with MySQL.
vintage["arch"] = vintage["arch"].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(",", ""))
vintage["subarch"] = vintage["subarch"].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(",", ""))
vintage["deck"] = vintage["deck"].apply(lambda x: str(x).replace(",", ""))
# Save and export to CSV.
vintage.to_csv(f"vintage-results-{create_date}.csv", index=False)
events.to_csv(f"vintage-events-{create_date}.csv", index=False)
print(f"Saved cleaned data: vintage-results-{create_date}.csv, vintage-events-{create_date}.csv")